(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

“Tamil Nadu (Indian) state arrested a folk singer for singing a song at a protest meeting that criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The police force detained an activist for sedition, allegedly for describing police abuses against protesters opposing a copper factory at the UN Human Rights Council. When a magistrate refused to place him in police custody, police arrested him in an older case and added sedition to the charges against him. Police have also added charges under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), the key counterterrorism law. The Tamil Nadu state (police) arrested a woman for calling the BJP government “fascist” on board a flight in the presence of the state’s BJP president.” The mindset of police official should be changed according to the constitution of India. Otherwise, police dominance has been maintained in the societies which are detriment. On the other hand, the crime ratio has not been ended. This trend (dominance) is adopted by the other Indian Institutions which is an alarming situation for the whole community.

The police department in sub-continent is very poor reputation. This repute is against the entire police department. There are various reasons behind in it one of them is immersion of political parties in subcontinent i.e. India & Pakistan (Bangladesh). This factor would detrimental for the police officials while during their duties. The use of bribery is common thing in police department. This type of attitudes is creating hub of criminals in societies. Moreover, the nude torture of criminals in police custody is common thing. Mob of violence of Hindu extremist group is immersion of police force against the Muslims and minorities. This extremist group is supporting of ruling party BJP for brutal violence against the minorities. Hence, the realistic approach is essential to stop any violence which is disrupted social activities in societies. The lack of information of laws is one of major issues in Indian culture. The illegal police custody is common thing in Indian culture even gained ulterior motives. Unfortunately, police department is using for the protection of Indian politician as well as their ulterior motives.

The police custody is agony by the innocent people. It is a human nature while increasing venom then transmitted to others. The role of police station is very important. Unfortunately, the police station it seems to be a bundle of snakes at one place. Only cure is to protect from police venom is given bribery to corrupt officials. It is impossible to escape from police custody without any charge of allegation. This attitude of police is alarming for the entire society. I have observed at many occasions whenever any mistake occurred by any person then he thinks fit to given bribery to the police official to remove name in list of Police Diary.
shah Nawaz Bokhari
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