Nawaz Sharif And Fazal Rahman

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

With every passing day, new things come into our knowledge. Being a student of political science we are obliged to make our mind hence opinion according to it.

With the passing of finance bill which caters for the salaries of 29 judges of the apex court, the subsequent verboseness from the leadership of the PML-N reminds us the role of Maulana Fazal Rahman in the politics of the country. For the last eight years Maulana has shown such somersaults in the arena of politics that it has bewildered his friends and foes. On the stage he is a changed Maulana, speaking with utmost vigor about the system of the country as being not in accordance with the principles of shariah, and in practical politics he is totally a politician bargaining with the establishment for getting a sizable chunk in the booty. And in the street of the cities and hillocks of villages his team of mullahs sanctify him as a seasoned statesman knowing how to play the game of politics and where to place the chess pieces caring least for principles and general mood of the society.

For the last five or six years this has been the practice of that man. But now after the Feb. 18 elections Nawaz Sharif and his henchmen are playing this role very tactfully surpassing the Maulana a bit. If Maulana was tactfully supporting the polices of Pervez Musharaf, now Nawaz Sharif is providing support to the civilian edition of the upholders of pharaoh’s policies, Zardari and his coterie. Like Maulana he was also beguiling the masses by weeping before them during his elections campaign as Maulana depicted the elections contest as a battle of Islamic and anti-Islamic forces and once get elected give support to them whom he considered as the latter ones.

In the present political scenario Maulana Fazal Rahman is supporting PPP whose secular designs are not secret and his party men, all Muftis and Maulanas cast their votes in the NA in favor of Fahmida Mirza, a woman candidate for the speaker ship of the NA. Similarly the coterie of Nawaz Sharif supported the finance bill in the national assembly, and out side the parliament buildings they are not tiring to assert in favor of the deposed judges and against the PCO judges. Like Fazal Rahman he is supporting the change edition of PML-Q very skillfully.

We were expecting some very principled stance about the restoration of the deposed judges, but now it is becoming clearer and clearer that who is sincere to the cause of independence of judiciary and want a true democracy according to the wishes of the people. It is said that Iatizaz Ahsan ended the lawyers’ Long March on the advice of Nawaz Sharif in order to provide a level playing ground to the washed man of NRO.

We were hopeful that after passing through such catharsis he would have learned a lot and would strictly follow the principles in politic but alas, like other of our disappointments his clandestine role in the present circumstances adds to our dismay.

As the government of NWFP and Baluchistan were the shackles of Maulana Fazal Rahman where his party men were enjoying power, pelf and property, similarly Nawaz Sharif cannot endanger his party by rejecting these three Ps in Punjab where his party men have sway over the treasury of the province. It is said that Nawaz Sharif was ready to boycott the Feb. 18 elections but could not face the pressure of Chudries and Wadiraz of Punjab who number the most in PMl-N as compare to other political parties of the country.

To his credit all those who are considers as the sages of the party have taken a u-turn in their writing, and advise the chief justice Iftikhar Chudry to compromise on his principles.

We were also happy at the parleys of the two major parties of the countries when they signed the Charter of Democracy and pledge to continue their efforts to bring democracy to the country. We were convinced at their those efforts, as we are always convinced by the argumentations of Maulana Fazal Rahman even when he argues about the massacre of the Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid, that they were sincere in their struggles.

But now it is gradually dawning upon us that actually they were not concerned about democracy, rule of law or end of dictator ship but were drawing a practical formula to get control of the power of the center and provinces. And they did it. They are the elected representative of the people. They fully support the agenda of the establishment what it want out of them. The coalition partners of Nawaz Sharif has declared Pervez Musharaf is inevitable personality for the country who has earned a lot for the country – money, reputation in the western capital and the status of a frontline state in the war against terror though at the expense of our sovereignty and independence. Never mind if he sold some dozen sons of the soil to America or allowed its drones to do bombardment wherever they wished. After all he has got the reward of all this by devouring some 10 billion US $ during the last eight years. In that much money some part would have been left which would be converted to the accounts of the new stakeholders in the form of bungalows in every capital city of the country and plots in Gawadar port city. And if they kept continued the foreign policy of Pervez Musharaf they can get much more from the modern day pharaoh, USA. In the presence of all such blessings only a fool can care for the wishes of the public.

Abu Shahab
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