
Why Country Is Under Holocaust Crisis

Recently in a new York times there is headline that one of there analyst analysis about the Pakistan that in 2020 in the global map ,there is no name of Pakistan . Because of Destructive crises of food, terrorism ,militants attacks ,government loose policies, dictatorship, and many more major problem like operations.

He also insisted the answer that how, because the poverty ratio is near about 79%,further u can see every Pakistani made in his mind that if u wanna get something in Pakistan try to rob it or pillage it fill fully that nothing will remain. If there is don't so then remaining nation is thinking to slaughter the dictatorship from Pakistan but how, now greatest dictator in Pakistan is the government who's gonna pass every month constitution that only take side them but they forget nation. At this time u see that what is the definition of Pakistani around the global world when in any country any thief would be caught they doesn't say that he he is thief first there sight angle will be that he is Pakistani. This is the name of Pakistani around the world. It all only concern with us by our ruler. They did such kind of activities that’s annoying. They never think about there nation. If u Disentitle some body house, children, parents ,money ,food, etc. What he gonna do he never seen about innocencey only he try destructible everyone, then he got his surname has terrorist and then he is fiery then he automatically join in alqahida. All the terrorist have same like this biography. If really wanna revolution in Pakistan the first term to be together by mind, by acts, by persuading everyone who's got negative thinking. According to Islamic views that what is the meaning of Islam ? Conveying the message of peace. Our Quran said  To all believers & disbelievers that "Come to come in terms which r being similar between us and you".

So we r going against Quran, Islam, Islamic laws, humanity and also constitution of 1958. If everyone take some while to see his past that what he had done for Quran, Islam, Humanity, Pakistan then it will be changed.

Aaman Ziad Khan
About the Author: Aaman Ziad Khan Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.