65 Year Old Commando Surrendered

(Ghulam Ali, Islamabad)

65 Year Old Commando Surrendered To The Will Of People

Musharaf did not strike back using sword like constitutional clause 58-2b. But bitter memories of his cruelty did strike back to many of those who believed in humanity, constitutional supremacy and democracy. How one can forget the speech of 12 may 2008,at one side innocent people were being killed and musharaf was celebrating in Islamabad and directed to Pakistan nation by saying "last punch will be of mine". How one can forget his last year tour to British where addressing to British media he arrogantly said that British people have been enjoying basic rights, justice and democracy because they had struggled for centuries. Pakistani people does not deserve this all, Pakistan does not deserve human rights and privileges as enjoyed by the people of western countries, iftikhar chaudry is corrupt person. Then the whole world saw musharraf last speech on 18th august 2008 begging for justice by saying "let people do justice". Mr general musharraf pakistani nation is great nation with very big heart. General(R) MUSHARAF,damage you caused to kashmir cause,death inflicted upon the people of baluchistan, fata and lal masjid, distorted the image of pakistan armed forces, violated constitution and weakened the federation is unforgiveable. Nevertheless you sold the soul of pakistan,countless pakistani daughters and sons.

Now, he is gone it is our national responsibility to create concensus on every issue, gutter politics of 90's should not come into play as Pakistan does not has capacity to bear more bruises and wounds.

Ghulam Ali Murtaza

Ghulam Ali
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