Top 50 Muslim Names Inspired by Fictional Characters

Choosing a name for your child is a special and meaningful decision. Names often reflect the values, hopes, and aspirations of parents and families.

In this list, we've compiled the top 50 Muslim names inspired by fictional characters, along with their meanings. These names are not only unique but also carry the essence of beloved literary and cinematic figures.

Muslim Names Inspired by Fictional Characters

Name Meaning
Arya Noble or honorable
Eowyn Horse joy or happiness
Rohan Rising sun or to ascend
Aslan Lion
Luna Moon
Arwen Noble maiden
Dorian Gift or descendant of the sea
Soren Stern or severe
Lyra Lyre or song
Caspian Water-related, inspired by the Caspian Sea
Gandalf Elf of the wand or elf of magic
Nala Gift (Swahili)
Zara Princess (Arabic)
Asha Hope or life (Sanskrit)
Frodo Wise by experience or wise traveler
Jasmine Jasmine flower
Cyrus Far-sighted or throne
Elsa Noble or consecrated to God
Belle Beautiful (French)
Nuri Light or radiance (Arabic)
Tariq Morning star or he who knocks at the door
Aladdin Nobility of faith
Asha Hope or life (Sanskrit)
Zelda Gray fighting maid or blessed
Dara Compassion or star
Aria Air or melody
Riyad Gardens or paradise
Eponine One who is like a bird or freedom
Inara Ray of light or heaven sent
Caspian Water-related, inspired by the Caspian Sea
Astrid Divinely beautiful or divine strength
Sufyan One who follows a straight path or pure
Elsa Noble or consecrated to God
Padme Lotus or goddess
Khalid Eternal or immortal
Ariel Lion of God or altar
Safiya Pure or chosen
Zain Grace or beauty
Jorah Early rain or first raindrop
Amina Trustworthy or faithful
Nala Gift (Swahili)
Simba Lion (Swahili)
Diana Divine or heavenly
Yara Small butterfly or water

These names offer a unique blend of cultural significance and literary inspiration. Whether you're a fan of "Game of Thrones," "The Lord of the Rings," "Harry Potter," or other beloved fictional works, you'll find a name that resonates with you and your family.

Remember that the choice of a name is a special decision for every family, and these names are just one source of inspiration. Ensure that the name you choose holds personal significance and carries positive meanings for your child's future.

We hope this list has helped you discover a beautiful and meaningful name for your child. Feel free to explore the rich world of literature and cinema for even more inspiration!

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