Top 10 Muslim Names in the US

Muslim names are significant and powerful choices because they are chosen for their meanings and sounds. In Islam, names are considered a blessing and convey noble, spiritual values to the child. Arabic names and Quranic names are trendy among Muslims. Muhammad, the name of Islam's last Prophet (PBUH), is widely regarded as the most common name worldwide, all combined spellings.

Many Muslim names are popular in the United States, but they are more common in the other countries as well where the Muslim population is residing. Layla for girls and Muhammad for boys are the most popular Muslim names in USA. America is home to a sizable Muslim population that freely practices their religion. They even provide their religious observance and Muslim baby names as forms of identification. We therefore created this blog for those looking for the most popular Muslim baby names in the USA. Here you can find the top 10 Muslim names in US that are highly popular among the Muslim community.

Names English Meaning
Mohammed Name of the Prophet, a person with many virtues
Omar Life, long living, name of the Caliph Omar Bin Al-Khatab
Ahmed Praise worthy
Adam The first human God created
Ali Sublime, exalted, name of the Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib
Sara Pure, happy
Fathima Name of the Prophet's daughter
Samaira Enchanting
Ayesha Name of one of the Prophet's wife, Lively, Woman
Zahra Radiant, Shining, Flower

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