Muslim Girl Names Born in Zulhijjah

The blessing of God for parents is their children. Regardless of their affiliation with a particular religion or culture, people always give thanks to God for this wonderful gift while doing everything in their power to soothe their offspring. Baby girls enjoys the more love and care as they are regarded as the blessing of Allah for parents and if they born in the month of Zilhajj, the treatment of love and care doubles as this month teaches Muslims the sacrifice and love. So here we have gathered Muslil girl names born in zulhijjah for parents looking for it.

Hamariweb consistently fills the informational void left by less accessible sources. For parents looking for Muslim girl names born in Zulhijjah month, we've created this page. It is the twelve month of Hijri calendar that hold the sacred position among other Islamic months. As names have a significant impact on personalities. Due to the fact that names are retained even after death, they frequently serve as the principal character in a person's personality. Therefore, parents must use caution when choosing a baby's name.

Names English Meaning
Arisha Throne, To Build, Highness
Saba Morning breeze, Spring breeze, Zephyr
Mehwish Moon, Beautiful, Pretty, Moon Face
Manahil Fountain, spring, Spring of fresh water
Aaima Leader, Ruler, Superior
Abeer Scent, Perfume, Fragrance
Momina Believe
Noora Variant Of Nura: Light.
Arij Fragrance

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