Muslim Boy Names Born in October

Naming a child can be a difficult decision, especially if you want something specific for your child. Some people want to name their child after their religion, while others want to name their child after their Zodiac sign, and still, others want to know the names according to the months. If your child is born in October and you want to name him or her, you've come to the right place. Muslim baby boy names for boys born in October can be found here.

The month of October is dedicated to love, care, comfort, and happiness. So all of the names mentioned here have a warm meaning that gives your baby an amazing personality. Babies are Almighty Allah's gift to parents. They make every effort to give their child a unique and meaningful name. If you have a baby boy born in October, you can find the best Muslim baby boy names for him right here. All of the names listed here have meanings and other pertinent information. These names also have detailed pages that provide a thorough understanding of the names. So go through all of the names listed here and choose the best one for your baby boy.

Best Muslim Boy Names Born In October

Names English Meaning
Anas Affection, Love, Pleasant Companionship
Rehan Scented, Fragrance, A Fragrant Plant
Huzaifa Wise, Intellectual Man, Having the ability to perceive, A Name Of Prophet’s Companion
Azlan Lion, Brave, Courageous man
Zain Beauty, Adornment, Graceful Boy
Rayan Soft touch, Fresh, paradise gate
Imran Happiness, Prosperity, Great pleasure, Exalted Nation
Shayan Worthy, Deserving, Meriting
Ali Eminent, Noble, High In Rank
Hamza Lion, Competent, Brazen, Brave man

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