Rivo Advance A220 Reviews

Check Rivo Advance A220 reviews and video reviews. Get all information about the Rivo Advance A220 features and specifications. The Rivo Advance A220 review gives a better idea about the mobile phone’s performance. Get in-depth analysis of phone’s screen size, processor, RAM, camera resolution, and battery timing through Rivo Advance A220 video review.

Rivo Advance A220

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Rivo Advance A220 User Reviews & Feedback

I like Rivo Advance A220 all rivo phones are different which is i like most its not like qmobile they have all same mobiles.

  • Nasir , khi

The digital camera of this bar phone rivo a220 is not enough to capture the image in a very bright light.

  • noor , khi

Rivo Advance A220 is good one at least they do not use black color, this color is good i wanna buy this mobile phone from where i can get?

  • Hambal , Khi