BHD - Today BHD to PKR Rate

748.48 PKR

02 Jun 2024 - Today, the 1 BHD to PKR conversion rate is PKR in the interbank exchange rate, as set by the State Bank of Pakistan. The Bahrain Dinar to PKR buying and selling rates differ in the interbank market compared to the "BHD to PKR" open market. The Bahrain Dinar to Pakistani Rupee has risen by PKR 0.98, or 0.131%, on the last day of the trading session in the interbank.Today The official State Bank of Pakistan conversion rate for BHD to PKR is PKR 756 in the Interbank exchange rate. Compared to doing so with the currency of your native land, this ensures a profitable exchange rate. The buying and selling rates of the Bahraini to Pakistani Rupee PKR differ in the interbank and currency exchange or open market rates. The currency charts below show the Bahraini Rupee in relation to the Pakistan Open Market. To convert currencies online, use the calculator below.

1 Bahrain Dinar = 748.48 Pakistani Rupees
As on Jun 02, 2024 at 11:04 PST (GMT+5)
BHD to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 755.77 755.77
Low 747.5 746.89
Average 748.84 748.96
BHD TO PKR chart & Graph
Bahrain Dinar Profile
Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
Bahrain Dinar BD 1/1000 = Fils Fils

BHD to PKR Interbank Rates History

Date Buying Selling
Today 740.48 748.48
30 May, 24 741.29 749.29
29 May, 24 739.50 747.50
28 May, 24 740.03 748.03
27 May, 24 740.03 748.03
26 May, 24 740.75 748.75
25 May, 24 740.75 748.75
24 May, 24 740.75 748.75
23 May, 24 740.75 748.75
22 May, 24 740.52 748.52
21 May, 24 740.34 748.34
20 May, 24 739.80 747.80
18 May, 24 747.77 755.77
17 May, 24 747.77 755.77
16 May, 24 739.77 747.77
15 May, 24 739.77 747.77
What is BHD to PKR Today?

Weekly performance of BHD to PKR shows decrease in value and Pakistani Rupee is down by PKR -0.71 or -0.095%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Bahrain Dinar to PKR was PKR 749.29 and lowest PKR 747.5 conversion.

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for BHD to PKR: High PKR 755.77 and Low PKR 747.5 in value, where buying was PKR 740.48 and Selling 748.48

Pakistan and Bahrain are both Islamic countries and assisting each other in different sectors and Bahraini Dinar to Pakistan Rupee is crucial for them. There are huge numbers of South Asian workers including Pakistanis who are offering their services to Bahrain and they want to know about Bahrain currency rate in Pakistan today or Behreen currency rate in Pakistani Rupees.

Can I exchange Bahrain currency to PKR in Pakistan?

Yes, you can exchange Bahrain currency (BHD) to Pakistani Rupees (PKR) in Pakistan through various channels, such as banks, money changers, and online currency exchange platforms. However, it is essential to research the current exchange rate of BHD to PKR and compare the rates offered by different exchange services to get the best deal.Banks usually offer competitive rates, but they may have more stringent requirements and longer processing times. On the other hand, money changers and online exchange platforms may offer more convenience and faster transactions, but their rates may be slightly lower.It is also crucial to consider the fees and charges associated with currency exchange transactions, such as commission fees and currency conversion fees, as they can significantly affect the final amount you will receive.

Overall, exchanging Bahrain currency to PKR in Pakistan is possible, but it is essential to research and compare exchange rates and fees to make an informed decision and get the best value for your money.

Factors Affecting BHD to PKR Exchange Rate

The exchange rate between Bahrain currency PKR is subject to various factors, such as economic and political conditions, market demand and supply, and global currency trends.

One of the significant factors affecting the exchange rate is the economic performance of both countries. Stronger economic growth, higher interest rates, and stable political conditions in Bahrain may attract more foreign investors, resulting in an increased demand for BHD and a higher exchange rate.

Similarly, inflation, political instability, and economic uncertainty in Pakistan may lead to a decrease in demand for PKR and a lower exchange rate. Changes in government policies, such as trade agreements and regulations, can also impact the exchange rate.

Moreover, the supply of BHD and PKR in the market also affects the exchange rate. For instance, if there is an oversupply of BHD in the market, its value may decrease relative to PKR, resulting in a lower exchange rate.

Finally, global currency trends and geopolitical events can impact the exchange rate between BHD and PKR. For example, fluctuations in the value of the US dollar, which is a widely used currency in international transactions, can indirectly affect the exchange rate between BHD and PKR. Overall, various factors influence the exchange rate between BHD and PKR, and it is essential to stay informed about BahrainiDinar rate in Pakistan todayand monitor the market conditions to make informed decisions regarding currency exchange transactions.


How much is 1 Bahrain Dinar to PKR today?

Today 1 Bahrain Dinar to PKR is Rs 748.48. In the last 30 days, the rate of BHD to PKR is risen.

What is the BHD to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The BHD to PKR Open Market Rate today is 748.48 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 BHD in PKR?

50 BHD is equivalent to 37424.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 BHD in PKR?

100 BHD is equivalent to 74848.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How can I exchange Bahrain Dinar to Pakistani rupees?

You can exchange Bahrain Dinar into Pakistani Rupees from the money changers or currency exchange currencies.

Comments on BHD to PKR Rate in Pakistan

Track BHD to PKR rates for effective currency management, ensuring you stay ahead in the ever-changing financial market.

  • By: Shayan
  • on Wed 17 Jan, 2024

This page facilitates Bahraini Dinar to Pakistani Rupee conversions, a valuable asset for individuals engaging in cross-border transactions.

  • By: Saeed
  • on Wed 09 Aug, 2023

This webpage is a valuable resource for individuals seeking the latest information on the BHD to PKR exchange rate, enabling them to stay informed about converting Bahraini Dinars to Pakistani Rupees.

  • By: Kabir
  • on Tue 04 Jul, 2023

This page offers quick access to the current exchange rate between the Bahraini Dinar (BHD) and the Pakistani Rupee (PKR), providing valuable information for anyone looking to convert currencies or engage in cross-border transactions.

  • By: Daud
  • on Thu 22 Jun, 2023

This webpage delivers the Bahraini Dinar (BHD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR) exchange rate, enabling visitors to stay updated on the currency fluctuations between these two countries.

  • By: Faisal Yahya
  • on Tue 20 Jun, 2023

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.