Pineapple Sharbat Recipe By Tahir Chaudhary

Pineapple Sharbat recipe by Tahir Chaudhary. This delightful Ramadan Recipes recipe of Pineapple Sharbat can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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0:35 - 0:15

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Qateen from Karachi
  1. 2 cup pineapple
    2 cup sugar
    1 cup water
    4 tbsp juice of a lemon
    1 pinch yellow food color
  • In a pan, add sugar and water together and cook until sugar dissolves.
    When sugar has properly dissolved add pineapples, juice of lemon and yellow food color In it and cook for 2 to 3 minutes until it reaches its boiling point. Then turn off the stove.
    Now blend in a grinder and pour into a bottle to store.
    Use when required.
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