Mutton Yakhni Recipe

Access the most desirable recipes online posted on this page. You can prepare Mutton Yakhni online along with the required ingredients and method so you can note them and prepare it with ease.


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Jiya Ali from Faislabad
  1. 250 gm Mutton
  2. 1 piece Ginger
  3. 1/2 kg Tomato
  4. 1 small Onion
  5. 4 Garlic cloves
  6. 6 glasses Water
  7. 1 tsp Black Pepper
  8. 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
  9. 1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
  10. 1/2 bunch Coriander Leaves
  11. 1/2 tsp Salt
  • In a pan, put together 250 gm mutton, 6 glasses of water, 1 tomato, 1 small onion, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 piece of ginger, 4 cloves of garlic and 1/2 tsp salt. Cook over low flame till 4 cups stock remains. Turn the flame off, add 1/2 tsp chopped coriander leaves and serve.
Reviews & Discussions

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  • Attia tul kareem, Chiniot,pakistan
  • Thu 10 Feb, 2022

How much tablespoons of garam masala in exchange for all the vegetables you said?

  • pooppoopmcscoop, jannah
  • Tue 29 Jan, 2019

My family is a huge fan of meaty dishes. I am currently making my Eid dinner menu and adding some new tasty dishes in it. I just saw this Mutton Yakhni recipe that includes all the ingredients that are easily available in my kitchen.

  • Babr, Faisalabad
  • Wed 31 Aug, 2016