Chocolate Chunk Muffins Recipe

Chocolate Chunk Muffins recipe by . This delightful Desserts recipe of Chocolate Chunk Muffins can be ready in Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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Alfa from Islamabad
  1. 280 gm Plain flour
    1 tbsp Baking powder
    115 gm Caster sugar
    250 ml Milk
    175 gm Chocolate chunks
    2 Egg
    6 tbsp Sunflower oil
    1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Preheat oven to 200 C gas mark 6 or 400 F. Place 12 paper cases in a muffin tray sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Stir in the sugar and chocolate chunks.
    Lightly beat the eggs in a large jug or bowl then beat in the milk, oil or butter and vanilla extract.
    Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the beaten liquid ingredients. stir gently until just combined do not over mix. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases and bake in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes until well risen golden brown and firm to touch.
    Leave the muffins to cool in the tray for a further 5 minutes before cooling completely on a wire rack.
Reviews & Discussions

I want to make chocolate ice cream, this recipe looking good for this, i am noting and try to make it in home.

  • uzma, khi
  • Tue 10 Mar, 2015