Marzipan Cake Recipe By Shireen Anwar

Marzipan Cake recipe by Shireen Anwar. This delightful Ramadan Recipes recipe of Marzipan Cake can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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Jalila from Islamabad
  1. Ingredients:
    Readymade marzipan 8 ounces
     Ingredients for Vanilla Sponge
    Egg 4
    Flour 4 ounces
    Caster sugar 4 ounces
    Baking powder 1 tsp
    Vanilla essence 1 tsp
    Ingredients for butter icing
    Butter 8 ounces
    Icing sugar  6 ounces
  • Method for Vanilla Sponge
    Beat 4 eggs and 4 ounces sugar till light and fluffy, add 1 tsp essence and mix well. Sieve together 4 ounces flour and 1 tsp baking powder, gently fold in the egg mixture, spread mixture in two well greased 9 inches sandwich pan, bake in a pre heated oven for 25 minutes on 180  degree C.
    Beat very well until light creamy and fluffy.

    Method for assembling
    Make vanilla sponge, cool cut into layers. Ice it with butter icing. Decorate with marzipan.
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