Spicy Spaghetti Recipe

Welcome to the exclusive page of Spicy Spaghetti. You can find the relevant ingredients, and method to prepare it online here. This page is best for those who love to try new recipes every time.


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naila from Karachi
  1. 1 box of Spaghetti Noodles
  2. 1 tsp. of Salt
  3. ½ tsp. of Red Chilli Powder
  4. 1/4 tsp. of Chaat Masala
  5. Lemon Juice (from half of a lemon)
  6. 1 Green Chilli (chopped)
  • 1) Boil some water in a pot, (enough to cook the amount of spaghetti) then add the spaghetti and let it boil until it is nice and soft.
  • 2) Then drain the water from the spaghetti. And add the lemon juice, red chilli powder, salt and Chaat Masala.
  • 3) Sprinkle the chopped green chillies and mix.
Reviews & Discussions

Spicy Spaghetti Recipe is outstanding amongst other pasta recipes that I have ever experienced as of late. I attempted to make it myself and it turned out delightful! I have recorded it in my book of recipes to cook later too.

  • Hifza, Karachi
  • Mon 18 May, 2020

spaghetti is the most delicious and spicy dish. I mostly made spaghetti for my family’s dinner.

  • zafran, islambad
  • Sun 05 May, 2019

Spicy spaghetti is nice made i'm try first time so tasty easy to make i like spaghetti

  • Shabana, Lahore
  • Wed 30 Jan, 2019

Spicy Spaghetti can be ready in approximately few Minutes so you can now easily make this in your home and good to serve the guests and love the taste,its soft enough,Its really easy to make this homemade.I try many recipes and found this recipes is quit easy.

  • Zoya, Attock
  • Fri 26 Oct, 2018

Spicy Spaghetti can be ready in approximately few Minutes and good to serve many people. I cooked this last Saturday on my guests and love the taste, its soft enough,Its really easy to cook this homemade.I try many recipes and found this recipes is quit easy.

  • Rabia anum, karachi
  • Tue 25 Sep, 2018

There are so many easy steps of making the Spicy Spaghetti which is really tasty and love of every family member so everyone should have about it

  • Nadia, Karachi
  • Sun 27 May, 2018

I always like the recipes and ideas you share. Your website is always helpful for me. Please share some more innovative ideas like this one. It is really delicious.

  • Hamna, Attock
  • Sat 05 May, 2018

After watching the cooking shows of famous Pakistani chefs like Chef Zakir and Zubaida Tariq my desire to try this dish at home is also increase that is why I decide to learn the way of preparation of Pakistani dishes like Spicy Spaghetti. I think this page is a great source to learn the different recipes.

  • Gulnar, Lahore
  • Thu 02 Mar, 2017


  • ahmad, GUJRANWALA
  • Thu 29 Aug, 2013