Brain Masala Recipe in Urdu

Brain Masala Recipe in Urdu is regarded among the popular dishes. Read the complete Brain Masala Recipe in Urdu with ingredient details and method. It is a simple recipe and all required ingredients are easily available. Prepare the dish as per the Brain Masala Recipe in Urdu from top chefs and add the true flavor or taste to your food. You can also share this recipe with your friends and family members.


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~Sani from Karachi
Reviews & Discussions

Brain Masala is not my kind of dish. I hate it because no matter how much you fry it in spices you will never get rid of wired smell of this dish.

  • Sanam, Karachi
  • Tue 22 Sep, 2015

To remove smell the quantity of adrak lassan paste is much important, I think you use very less quantity in it that’s why you feel smell in it. Try it once again to put three spoons of garlic paste in brain masala.

  • shehna, khi
  • Thu 17 Sep, 2015

After boiled when I include all the ingredients and the masala for the preparation of brain masala, I feel such a pleasant smell which increase my feelings that it becomes good in the taste, its really delicious.

  • naila, khi
  • Mon 14 Sep, 2015

Before using this recipe I never use the haldi and the dhaniya powder in the brain fry but this recipe tell me how to make it, now I feel the difference in the taste as well it look good due to the haldi.

  • eiman, khi
  • Tue 08 Sep, 2015

Brain masala is superb in the taste, I specially like because my husband wants to eat it with roghni paratha, it becomes very good in the taste but I also wants to share an easy way to wash brain next time.

  • ifsah, khi
  • Fri 04 Sep, 2015

My parents like Brain masala and nobody in my home except them eat it. They eat brain masala of Qurbani animal.

  • Ahmed, Karachi
  • Thu 03 Sep, 2015

Is it necessary to boil brain before frying it in the pan? Usually I make kata kat of brain with heart and the kidney but now this time I am trying this way of cooking brain, this is also look tasty.

  • urooj, khi
  • Wed 02 Sep, 2015

My dad likes to eat this dish and I hate this dish a lot. I mean how anyone can eat brain of a dead animal by making it with lots of spices and herbs.

  • Saba, Karachi
  • Thu 27 Aug, 2015

Last year i mixed kidnay and brain both together and made it in my own recipe but this time i will try this recipe of brain masala.

  • madiha, khi
  • Mon 15 Sep, 2014

ma pizza banana sikhna chati hn kahhn se sikhon

  • mani, karachi
  • Thu 05 Jul, 2012