Most Venomous Spiders That Actually Exist

(Source: list25)

Most people hate spiders. They hide in dark corners, creep around, and make webs that get all over your face. If you found a big spider crawling over your shoulder right now, be honest, you’d probably jump out of your seat in fear. Their four pairs of eyes, eight legs, and general ugly appearance makes them freaky creatures. However, when you add venom in the mix, it only makes them that much more terrifying. If you’re an arachnophobe, get ready to squirm. Here are some Most Venomous Spiders That Actually Exist.

Noble False Widow

One of the more feared spiders found in England, the Noble False Widow spider is the most venomous of three types of false widow spiders. Its bite causes pain, swelling, nausea, and if it becomes infected, it can lead to gangrene.

Six Eyed Sand Spider

While the Six Eyed Sand Spider is very shy, it’s also known to be incredibly venomous. Because it does not go near humans, there have been few cases of it biting a person. However, in one known case, a man lost his arm from necrosis. If bitten by a Six Eyed Sand Spider, most assume it’ll end in a fatality because there’s no antivenom.



Native to New Zealand, the Katipo spider is endangered. Only the female is capable of biting a person, but their bite isn’t thought to be lethal but rather unpleasant. By “unpleasant” we include symptoms like abdominal cramping, sweating, fever, and shaking.


Brown Recluse Spider

Brown Recluse Spiders are considered the most venomous spider in the United States. If bitten, victims could experience fever, convulsions, itching, nausea, and muscle pain. In extreme cases, they could also experience necrosis (death of skin tissue).

Hobo Spider

Hobo Spiders were originally thought to cause horrible lesions if a human was bitten, but recent studies have dispelled this notion. While they are not considered medically threatening, their venom can cause, redness, swelling, and twitching for several hours.


Despite their intimidating appearance, tarantula venom only creates a painful bite and the hairs on their legs can cause skin irritation. Unless someone happens to be allergic, it’s not harmful to humans.

Cupboard Spider

The Cupboard Spider isn’t known to be dangerous to humans. For most people, their reactions to venom are similar to a wasp sting. However, there have been a few cases where more serious symptoms were recorded.

Redback Spider

The Redback Spider’s bite is not only painful, but will also lead to certain death if not treated immediately. An anti-venom was created in 1956. 250 people a year receive this anti-venom.