Dengue Fever

(Dr Shahzeb Ahmed Abbasi, Karachi)

Dengue fever is caused by herbo virus and virus present in female mosquitoes’ saliva, and that mosquito is a different kind of anopheles mosquito.

Dengue fever is dangerous for our society, because in our society not present any enabled system who fighting against these both mosquitoes or who spreading the life threatening viruses like malaria parasite and dengue fever antibody, therefore the fever is found in Pakistan and that is risk full for Pakistan’s population, because there is not a valid system is present that for we cannot control this virus fever properly and we cannot control due to our society’s poor health facilities.

As we know that this virus is attacking continuously since 3-4 years and population got victims of this virus, many suffering in fever and many are dead in few years due to this life threatening virus, but we are not serious to control this dangerous condition, like in Pakistan on the risk of this virus is as like many neighbor countries also can affected by this virus if the virus transferred that countries can affecting, named, India, China, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan, Afghanistan is most sensitive because the many people is traveling to Pak to Afghanistan and from Afghanistan to Pakistan therefore the Afghanistan and NETTO force whose are fighting against terrorism in Afghanistan are on risk of that life threatening virus, therefore need is that “US AID” and “UNICEF” thinking about that seriously, otherwise this is harmful for whole the Asian countries.

As we know that the Dengue fever is caused by herbo virus species and the mechanism of infection is providing harm to blood ingredients and destroying bodies self defence system and also many ingredients of blood. That virus is responsible to destroying the blood Platelates level (those ingredient is responsible of blood clotting) and the reference range of this ingredients in blood is (150,000 to 400,000 per C.C.m.m) on Platelates estimate film (those device or technique who using to measure the Platelates count in animal blood)

Almost like a Platelates count this virus is providing the harm to other ingredients which is commonly called Leucocytes their reference range is (4000 to 1000) per c.m.m) on total leucocytes count chamber (that device or technique who is using the measure the leucocytes in blood) and this virus is also can damage the bloods deferential count like Neutrophils, Basophils, Eosinophils, and Lymphocytes. The most common identification is high grade fever, joints and back pain, radiation (rashes) on hand foots and on abdomen.

When Dengue fever antibody is caused then the platelates level falling down and in many cases come to near to insufficiency and in insufficiency condition the bleeding can start from veins in skin, and from nose and from mouth, this condition is specially dangerous for girls because the bleeding can start and occur from pelvis like menses can that condition is serious for the girls health and also teen ages girls.

Now that virus can attacking on large scale and providing the harms to noble life, because the month of “ZILL HAJJ” is arriving soon and animals are brought in markets from many districts and cities of Pakistan and now can open the new chapter against human beings because in many cases the virus is found in animals blood, that condition is danger for human being and also for that animals who are standing in open air markets because the mosquitoes is using blood for their food therefore they can bite to the animals and can spreading the virus on large scale and can take a part in a spoilage of life. Every body is know that if a common mosquitoes bite to those person who are affected by virus and then this mosquitoes will picking will picking the virus and that mosquito will biting to other person then the virus getting start to spreading and fever will transmitting the life threatening disease.

The animals that are standing in markets also on risk of life threatening virus and take a part in spreading the virus. After the flood the many animals are affected of many diseases and may they can affect by the fever.
Symptoms and identification of dengue fever.
Radiation and rashes on foots, hand and on abdomen.
High grade fever and vomiting.
Joints and back pain.
Black spots on skin.
Chest and any kind of abdominal infection.
Need to be required and care
• Please make sure that no clean and dirty water stands in home and near the home, because clean water can attract the dengue mosquito and also dirty water to anopheles.
• Make sure that the water tanks and water pots are covered surely because the mosquito growing in fresh water.
• Wear the dress who covering yours arms neck, and abdomen, legs and thighs, avoid the short shirt, short skirt and short paints, because mosquito can biting.
• Wear gloves and socks if the surrounding is dirty or mosquito if present in surrounding.
• Use Apple juice and apple milk squash daily.
• Add papaya in your diet because the papaya is increasing the blood Platelates level.
• Avoid using the medicine without the prescription of a qualified physician.
• Doctors don’t use antibiotic medicine without the specimen examination.
• If fever is found continuously and feeling pain in knees and other joints please avoid ignoring and contact to the doctors.
• Use the mosquito saving net when sleeping.
• Spray in the cities and at your homes.

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Dr Shahzeb Ahmed Abbasi
About the Author: Dr Shahzeb Ahmed Abbasi Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.