Once You See These Rare Historical Photos, You’ll Never Forget Them

(Source: atchuup)

Many people are fascinated by historical photos. They give us a rare glimpse into a world that could easily be forgotten and preserves these moments well into the future. Taken many decades ago, these vintage images give us a rare glimpse into some of the most unique historical events.

 A shell-shocked reindeer looks on as war planes drop bombs on Russia in 1941.

The Microsoft staff in 1978

 The last known Tasmanian Tiger (now extinct) photographed in 1933
German air raid on Moscow in 1941
The London sky after a bombing and dogfight between British and German planes in 1940
Nagasaki, 20 minutes after the atomic bombing in 1945
Hitler’s bunker
The first photo taken from space in 1946

The first McDonalds

Construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961
Albert Einstein’s office photographed on the day of his death
Construction of the Manhattan Bridge in 1908
Titanic leaves port in 1912.