Scariest Things On Earth You Probably Haven’t Realized

(Source: list25)

By now you probably know that the world is a much scarier place than you thought it was when you were a kid. We all start out seeing things through rose colored glasses and this changes rapidly as we age. Depending on how introspective you are, you may or may not have ever considered today’s topic regarding the scariest things on Earth.

For those of you who like to spend time lost in your thoughts, we are almost sure that you have already asked yourselves, “what is the scariest thing in the world?” Questions like this go right along with “what is the worst way to die?” or “what is the most painful experience you could possibly ever have?” While these aren’t exactly uplifting questions, and they certainly won’t help you sleep at night, they can be interesting in a very twisted kind of way.

For those of you who have never given this any thought, that’s good. You are probably better off for it. Feel free, however, to continue reading so that you can find out exactly what you’re not missing. Or at least you can shake up your mundane day a little bit. So let’s get to it, these are some Scariest Things On Earth You Probably Haven’t Realized.

Hogweed - Just touching this plant can give you third degree burns.

Australia - The drop bears are particularly vicious (google it).

Rabies - Except for a few people (all since 2004), nobody in history has ever survived rabies without a vaccine. Nobody.

Note: in 2004, something called the Milwaukee Protocol was developed. The patients who survived were all treated with this method, but there is still controversy over its effectiveness.
Parasites - Not only will you become their dinner, you will become their cozy home. Usually you can get them through contaminated water, under-cooked or spoiled meat, and through transmitting agents such as mosquitoes.
Condition 1 weather in Antarctica - Condition 1 weather refers to the worst. You’re not even allowed to go outside. Visibility is almost 0, and you would freeze within minutes. To paint a picture, the inside walls of Antarctic research stations sometimes freeze.
Supervolcanoes - Yellowstone is actually a volcano big enough to destroy almost everything on Earth.
The deep sea - There are some crazy looking creatures down there: angler fish, goblin sharks, giant isopods…
Ice Crevasses - One minute you’re there, the next minute you’re gone forever. Oftentimes, crevasses are completely covered in snow, kind of like a snow sinkhole.

Amoebas that eat your brain - These brain-eating amoebas are called Naegleria fowleri, and they live in warm freshwater. Be careful.

Time - When you need more, you can’t get it. When you want less, you can’t get rid of it. You are at its mercy.

Fatal Familial Insomnia - People with this disease lose the ability to sleep. There is no cure, and most patients die within 18 months.

Resistance to antibiotics - If your doctor tells you to finish the antibiotics…finish them. Even if you already feel better. If you don’t, the remaining bacteria will develop immunity. Many already have.