13 Ways to get Rid of Bad Mood

Bad days happen. A bombed job interview, spilled tea on your office file just few minutes before meeting, broken shoe strap when you are getting late for office, life can sometimes suck. We can’t get rid of the terrible situation instantly, but we do have some sweet and workable suggestions for improving a mood regardless.

So you’re having a Bad Day...


It’s cheesy, but apparently it’s true. The act of smiling really can turn a frown upside down and make you relax. Put up a smile when you end up in a mess that can give you courage to deal with it bravely.

Eat some chocolate

As if we needed a reason other than delicious: Eating chocolate can make us feel happy. Chocolates have some positive vibes associated with them.

Expose yourself to green

Color psychologists say green symbolizes happiness—and can create the feeling of it, too. So look up for green when you feel depress. A green dress, pick up a green pen, go out in the lawn, and its possible your mood will be over the rainbow.

Count your blessings

Think about or write down what you’re thankful for. Even if there’s no time to write down everything, expressing gratitude creates an instant mood boost. Pay regards to Allah Almighty for the unlimited blessings you have this will definitely cool your nerves.


Do something nice for somebody else

Yep, being nice can help us feel nicer. Small kind deeds and actions—holding the door for the person behind you, sending a quick thanks text to a partner or friend, or donating few bucks to a favorite charity—count, so there’s no excuse not to get your nice on.

Listen to a happy song

It’s quick; it’s easy; it’s an instant mood-lifter. Listening to party or happy songs can uplift your mood for sure.

Go somewhere quiet

Even if it’s office, taking a few minutes to sit in a quiet space with no external stimulation can do wonders for a bad mood.


Do something new

We know you’ve only got a few minutes; it’s not like you can change careers or fly to Iceland. The good news is even adding something small to a normal routine can brighten up a day. Order a chai if you normally drink coffee, take a different route to the corridor at work, wear something you would normally never wear. This can definitely divert your bad mood to normal one.

Dress up

Speaking of clothing - Buying new dress can amp up mood, but a person doesn’t have to drop cash to reap clothes’ benefits. Wearing the color red can boost confidence and self-esteem—which might just be the pick-me-up you were looking for.

Invite distractions

Step away from worries for a few minutes and get absorbed in something neutral, like folding laundry or washing dishes. The repetitive actions of these everyday chores can help us get present with the here and now: the smell of clean laundry, or soapy hands.

Eat for a positive mood

We are what we eat, so step away from the unhappy meal. Instead, try out these meals to boost your mood. Up the happiness quotient for yourself by setting a nice place; lighting a candle, and prepare the dining table for the meal.

Celebrate good times

Look at happy photos or spend a minute or so thinking back on positive memories. You can go through some family pictures, friend’s birthday party, and trip to USA —nostalgia can trigger happiness.

Get some sun

A boost of vitamin D can refresh your mood. Head outside for a brisk walk around the block. If that’s not possible, station yourself near a window for a few minutes (and ignore stares from co-workers).