Colesterol,;Silent foe and friend of human

(Naseem Sheikh, Lahore)

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance made in the liver and other cells. Cholesterol is oil-based and so does not mix with the blood, which is water-based. It is therefore carried around the body in the blood by lipo proteins.

It’s also found in certain foods, such as dairy products, egg yolk, cheese,chocolate,baked food, deep fried and processed foods and meat.

Human body only needs a limited amount of cholesterol. This limited amount is necessary for the formation of cell membrane, production of certain hormones, vitamin D, bile acids that helps further in digestion of food. Too much smoking and high blood pressure are also cause active agents of high cholesterol level.

When there’s too much cholesterol level, health problems, such as coronary heart diseases and heart attack may develop primarily. if long term cannot give proper attention to increased cholesterol level than it becomes foe for kidney and liver by causing different diseases, diabetes, under active thyroid gland and in females ovary syndrome etc.

Cholesterol alone itself can do nothing for proper functioning it required protein of body, and form a bond called lipoprotein bond. Nature of protein and cholesterol different on basis of quantity of bonding agents.

we can divide cholesterol on basis of fat's quantity in following three classes;

Low density Lipoprotein (Bad Cholesterol)
High density lipoprotein (Good Cholesterol)
Very low density lipoprotein
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If You Have You Are in Category Your LDL Goal Is
Heart disease, diabetes, or a risk score higher than 20% I. High risk* Less than 100 mg/dL
Two or more risk factors and a risk score of 10–20% II. Moderately high risk Less than 130 mg/dL
Two or more risk factors and a risk score lower than 10% III. Moderate risk Less than 130 mg/dL
One or no risk factors IV. Low to moderate risk Less than 160 mg/dL

If blood contains low density fat bonding with protein then it is call as LDL it is bad for health because of low density it easily attached with cell membrane and heart's membrane and walls of arteries cause plaque buildup, result in heart disease.when level of LDL increases in blood chances of heart diseases increases. approximately 60 to 70 per cent of the total.

if blood contains high density fat bonding with protein it is called HDL, it is called good cholesterol because it removes the bad fat present in blood. approximately 20 to 30 per cent of the total.

Cholesterol itself isn't bad. We all have and need this wax-like substance in our bodies. High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors leading to heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

High cholesterol levels can run in families, and women generally tend to have higher levels of high density lipo protein (HDL) than men.
High cholesterol does not produce symptoms until significant damage has been done; blood testing is the only way to find out these important numbers.

LDL (bad) cholesterol is produced naturally by the body,high cholesterol level is also produced because of unhealthy life style and lack of exercise but many people inherit genes from their mother, father or even grandparents that cause them to make too much.

Everyone can lower cholesterol and reduce risk of heart disease and stroke after changing its life style, doing few exercise and avoiding unhealthy foods.

Naseem Sheikh
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