Our Responsibility to Pakistan

(Zeeshan Jathol, Lahore)

I hope you are in best of health and prosperity. Let me tell you a strange fact, ladies and gentlemen do you know what is the easiest thing to do in the world? The answer is blaming others is the easiest thing to do in world does not matter we blame our county, our nation, our leaders, our surroundings or ourselves. You people are now thinking what we have to do with this fact. Now let me reveal a cruel reality of our people (Pakistani) .Since my childhood I have heard people saying what Pakistan gave us. We have no future here, there is corruption, inequality, injustice, reference, health problem, living problem, problem of food…. Our Pakistani people think that they have all the problems of world. I have heard people saying we are not free Why Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah made Pakistan. But on the other hand we forget what we gave to this Holy Land instead of blaming or abusing. My Pakistani fellows there are some responsibilities to us which are our duty and our obligation not our will. Well now the question is that what are our responsibilities and obligations to our own country Pakistan. On this question I am not going to give you a detailed paragraph or essay .Our duty is to consider our country Pakistan as our home, your home, my home and we have to do everything for Pakistan which we would do or we shall do for our own home. Now you people are wise enough to understand what an individual do for his or her own home. An individual will protect his/her home, will keep clean his/her home, will decorate his/her home, will do everything which is in favour of his/her home, will water the plants of his/her home, will take care of birds and animals of his/her home and will must take care of everyone present in his/her home. But we have become selfish we shall protect our so called home but not others in Pakistan, we shall clean our so called home but throw garbage in streets , we shall decorate our so called home but create scratches on others, we shall water the plants of our so called home but break the trees in the side of roads and in parks , we shall take care of our birds and animals but shall beat animals of others. Alas: we happen to be Muslim but indeed Muslim is a great word we are not able to be called human.

My dear fellows let me tell you the structure of society as Emile Durkheim said individuals are basic units of society individuals form groups and groups form organizations and finally society. Stronger the individuals, stronger the groups will be just like that stronger the groups, stronger the institutions will be and finally stronger the organizations, stronger the society or country will be.

Another reality I want to tell my respected readers is that if we shall not do anything for our country nobody will do anything or even help us. As it is said “GOD help those who help themselves”. If we shall not respect, protect and flourish or homeland no one will respect, protect and flourish our Pakistan respectively. We are educated people so we have to respect our leaders. As Quaid-e-Azam said work, work and work. If we are not obeying him it means indirectly we are not giving him due respect. Now let me narrate the example of Abraham Lincoln the era in which he born was much worse than today our time is. He lost his mother in child hood he worked hard which we cannot think and worked hard and prevent his county from civil war and passed law of independence for slaves and indeed he is the man who made north America and south America a single and strong USA . If Abraham thinks like our and said he cannot then today we shall not be listing about. If Quaid-e-Azam thought he cannot then we may not be having Pakistan. Let me narrate a story of a man who was alone climbing on a mountain to crush its peak as it was hurdle in sunlight to his land Someone asked to that great man how can you alone do this he replied; I shall do it if I die in doing this mu son will continue crushing the peak and then his sun and you will be wondered to listen that hard and consistent man was Mao Zedong the father of Great China.

Now I ask a question to those selfish and pessimists who say what Pakistan gave to them. Ladies and gentlemen these are the talented people of our nation who attain gook marks in exams and study MBBS in public sector institutions which cost about 40 to 50 lacks per student to the Government of Pakistan to the state and after taking degree they fly like a pigeon to abroad just to earn dollars regardless of doing something for the land which gave them respect and blame to Pakistan. My dear fellows obviously I am taking about those selfish people who does so my purpose is to tell reality not to hurt those who are working for our county. Yes there are people who are highly qualified and working day and night for Pakistan. I personally respect those and pray for those. Well come to the point they blaming people are also those who are my dear engineer brothers they also do engineering from public sector universities and most of them also fly to become rich overnight and other MBA holders and professionals also do so. I am not saying that these people do not deserve respect and fame worldwide. Yes they deserve but they have to change their mentality to be positive and to give something to country because wherever you will go you will be recognize as Pakistani. If we cannot remove whole darkness what we can to light a candle. If we cannot extinguish whole fire we must drop a gallon of water on in. In the end let us salute our great leaders and to everyone who is working for Pakistan in any field. We also pray may GOD ALMIGHTY bless all those who are doing something for humanity. As I am a human being and errors are made by humans so in the end I apologize to those who will not be glad to read this article. Believe me if you will do for other you will find everything done for you. Be happy, let others be happy.

Zeeshan Jathol
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