These Students Are The Some Laziest People on Earth

(Source: mandatory)

Very few beings on this planet are as lazy as students. It doesn't matter what age - if you're still in school, there's a very decent chance that you will do anything you can to avoid exerting physical effort. If you need proof, check out these responses one teacher got when he polled some students about the laziest thing they've ever done.

1- Called the restaurant to send the waiter back to my table.

2- I have a dog and a cat, and I HATE sleeping with the door open. Sometimes dog wants to sleep in the bedroom, sometimes dog wants to sleep outside the bedroom. But he never decides until I'm comfy in bed. Solution? Keep a laser pointer on my nightstand. Once dog decides where he's sleeping, I'll shine the laser pointer on the door so that my cat paws it closed. It has now become a routine that my cat will wait by the door for the laser before laying down.

3- I downloaded a movie instead of going upstairs to grab the DVD.

4- Drove to class. Escalators up to third floor classroom were broken. Went home.

5- I tried to skip to the good part of a 33 second Youtube video.


6- TV remote was ~2 feet out of reach, so I downloaded the remote control app instead.

7- I once watched 2 hours of antique roadshow because the cat jumped up in front of the tv sensor as I was flicking through channels and fell asleep.

8- Used to have one of those 'clap on, clap off' lights in my room. I hated clapping so I just made an audio recording of me clapping and mapped it to one of the programmable keys on my keyboard.

9- I always heat things in the microwave for 1:11 or 2:22 because I'm too lazy to move my fingers to the 0 before I hit start.


10- Eating my food directly from the pot to eliminate dishes. I hate washing dishes.

11- Spent a half hour searching for a torrent to download a textbook that I had left in another room.

12- Washed bed sheets. Didn't put the sheets on till 2 months later.

13- I had bbq sauce on my cheek at a restaurant. Rather than get up to grab a napkin, I used a piece of bread to wipe it off and then ate it. That's also the fattest thing I've done.