Places Just as Mysterious as the Bermuda Triangle

(Source: gizmopod)

The Bermuda Triangle has long been considered one of the most mysterious places on Earth, but it doesn't stand alone! There are many other places across the globe that are shrouded in mystery as well.

Area 51

Perhaps just as famous as the Bermuda Triangle is Area 51 in Nevada. It is a US military base located about 80 miles north of Las Vegas that has long been thought to be the place where alien bodies were brought after the supposed Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash. Today, many claim that there is reverse engineering of UFO technology taking place on the base and claim to have seen strange lights near and above the base. Though some of the strange claims about Area 51 have been debunked, something highly classified must be going on there as it is more secretive and protected than most military bases. There are even guards surrounding the base that are authorized to shoot on site anyone who even gets close!

Lost City of Atlantis

The Lost City of Atlantis is so mysterious, we don't even know where it is! This missing island utopia was first mentioned in the writings of Plato in 360BC and we have been searching for it ever since. Though it is just as likely that Plato made up the mythical society, people are fascinated by the thought that there could have been a society that was such a paradise on Earth that disappeared without a trace.


The Devil's Sea

The Bermuda Triangle isn't the only mysterious area of the ocean on our planet. There is another similar area located just south of Japan called the Devil's Triangle or the Devil's Sea. It has reports of similar occurances including disappearances, magnetic anomalies and strange lights. The Japanese government even sent out a research vessel, the Kaio Maru, in 1952 to investigate the claims and of course, it vanished as well! Some of the explanations for the weird happenings are similar to those given for the Bermuda Triangle, such as UFOs, but another, more plausible, explanation is the large amount of volcanic activity in the region.


Mystery Spot

The Mystery Spot is a location in Santa Cruz, CA where all of the laws of physics are purportedly thrown out the window! Several strange occurances happen at the site such as water flowing uphill and people standing upright but appearing to be at a slant. It is all likely optical illusions, but when you are there, it is hard to remember that and you can be left with a very creepy feeling!

Lake Anjikuni

Though there have been countless reports of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, it only took one very strange disappearance for Lake Anjikuni to make this list. Lake Anjikuni is located in Canada and back in November of 1930, it was home to up to 2000 Inuit people living in a village on it's banks. One day in that month, a trapper passed through the town to find that the entire population had vanished, leaving food, weapons and other supplies behind. Other strange things were amiss in the village as well, such as a grave that had been dug up and 7 sled dogs that were found dead of starvation even though there was plenty of food left open that they could have easily eaten. Though no one to this day knows what happened to those people, of course one of the main theories includes alien abduction.

Superstition Mountains

Superstition Mountains are located east of Phoenix, Arizona. Their mysterious nature dates back to the 1800s when a man named Jacob Waltz supposedly found a huge gold mine within the mountains but took the secret of it's location with him to his death. Now legend says that the mountains are haunted by the people who lost their lives trying to find the gold. Native American legends attempt to account for some of the strange occurances at the mountains. The Apaches claim it is the gate to hell while another story claims the mountains are guarded by the "tuar-tums" or "little people" that live in caves and tunnels under the mountains.

Brown Mountain Lights

Brown Mountain is located in NC. As early as 1913, there have been reports of mysterious lights being seen above and near the mountain. They have been described as will-o-the-wisp type lights that strobe and appear and disappear with no seeming pattern or origin. The phenomenon is so popular it has been featured in an episode of the X-Files and it even had a song written about it!

Bigelow Ranch

Bigelow Ranch is located on 480 acres of land in Utah and is also known as Skinwalker Ranch. Strange occurances have been reported from the ranch since the 1950s, including UFO sightings and animal mutilations. Things really started heating up in 1994 when Terry and Gwen Sherman bought the ranch, however. They, too, reported seeing UFOS, intelligent orbs that incinerated three of their dogs, cattle mutilations and a strange incident of a seemingly tame wolf which allowed them to pet it but then attacked one of their calves. When they tried to shoot the wolf, the bullets had no effect on it.

Michigan Triangle

Lake Michigan is so big, it has it's own mysterious triangle where disappearances happen as well, both on the water and in the air! One of the most famous occurances was of a commercial flight that passed through the triangle in 1950, carrying 58 passengers on board. It was never seen again!