How to start the car in cold winter weather?

(Source: autoportal)

Cars, just like us humans, don't work well in winters. As the temperature drops the car becomes a hostage. The engine won't turn over, or if it starts it runs roughly. Problems like oil getting thicker or car battery having problem can be few reasons for your car not to start in cold. There are some things you can do on your own to increase your car's performance.

Park your car in garage

Car batteries can lose its power when it gets cold, which can take longer time than usual to start the engine. If you have a garage or a covered parking spot, park the car there. It will keep the car warmer than if parked in the open. In case you don't have a closed parking space, you can also unhook the terminals of the battery and bring it inside for the night. This will help in keeping the battery warm.

Keep the fuel tank full

Always remember to keep your fuel tank topped up. Low temperature will make water condense out of the air in the fuel tank and the water gets into the fuel line. If there is more fuel in the tank, there is less air and therefore less condensation will happen.


Change to thinner oil

In winters, the engine oil thickens and does not flow quickly to important engine parts that need lubrication. Even the engine does not crank fast enough to start. Therefore it is better to opt for engine oil with a thinner grade, i.e. less viscosity.

Keep all accessories off

Turn off all the accessories, heater blower, radio, lights, etc off before starting the engine. Also keep all car doors shut. This will help in maximising the starting power of the car.

Hold the key for 20 seconds

Turn the car key and try holding it for 20 seconds. This helps in getting the engine going. Do not hold it for more than 20 seconds as it can cause mechanical damage.