Chicken Badami Korma Recipe in Urdu

Chicken Badami Korma recipe will add some delight to your usual taste buds, and gives it a new punch of slight crunch. The richness of almonds will add an aroma and make it more appetizing.

Badami Korma is prepared using chicken pieces, salt, curd, ground species to enhance its taste almonds are added that gives it a luscious taste. The gravy that is prepared is rich in spice and mouthwatering. The dish is specially prepared on occasions as it gives majestic feel to the dining table. The hot naan or chapaati will embrace temptation of its taste.

To cook Badami Korma recipe take a pan and add spices and heat them until they turn brown then add chicken and yogurt, cook in low heat until it’s tender. Once it is done add almonds for garnishing. You will taste the richness of flavors as soon as you will take your first loaf.

To get the amazing, flavorsome taste here is the perfect Badami Korma recipe for you that will make your taste buds delightful. The cooking time is almost 45 minutes with this easy method. Cherry on top, you can add scrummy and spicy detailed flavors while making this Korma. Serve hot with naan/chapaati with salad as a side dish.

Chicken Badami Korma Recipe in Urdu

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چکن بادامی قورمہ (INGREDIENTS)
  1. چکن آدھا کلو
  2. ١ پیالیپیاز
  3. ٢ عدددھی
  4. ١ پاؤنمک ھسب زوق
  5. لال مرچ پسی ھوئی ڈیڑھ چائے کا چمچ
  6. پسا ہوا دھنیا ١ چائے کا چمچ
  7. گرم مصالحہ پسا ھوا آدھی چائے کا چمچ
  8. ھلدی تھوڑی سی
  9. ثابت گرام مصالحہ(کالی مرچے،لونگ،چھوٹی الائچیلہسن ادرک پسا ہوا ١ کھانے کا چمچ
  10. بادام ٦ سے ٧ عدد
  • سب سے پہلے ایک پیال میں دہی لے کر تمام مصالحے شامل کر کہ پہینٹ کر رکھ دیں۔اب ایک دیگچی میں تیل گرم کریں اور پیاز fry کر کے الگ س ایک plate میں نکال لیں پھر اسی تیل میں چکن شامل کرکے 5 min تک fry کریں اور لہسن ادرک کا paste بھی ڈال دیں اوردہی کا mixture شامل کر کے بھون لیں پھر پیاز کو اچھی طرح سے پیس لیں اور gravy میں شامل کر دیں اور جوش آنے تک ڈھک کر ہلکی آنچ پر پکایں ۔پہر الگ سے بادام ابال کر چھوٹی ٹکریاں کر کے قورمے میں شامل کر دیں ۔۔اب بادام سے garnish کریں اور نان کے ساتھ پیش کریں۔
Reviews & Discussions

Get the chicken badami korma recipe from here which has the really good taste of all time for the foodie lovers who love to eat spicy

  • zoya, quetta
  • Tue 13 Aug, 2019

Chicken badami korma recipe is so amazing because this recipe has the great taste and the amazing idea to make the great Korma with the ultimate new taste

  • ushna, karachi
  • Sat 10 Aug, 2019

This chicken badami korma is most favorite dish ever of everyone that makes with very light and delicious taste that everyone make that at home in the lots of quantity

  • somia, karachi
  • Tue 06 Aug, 2019

With the help of this online way of chicken badami korma I can easily make that at home by this easiest method who I easily make that

  • shagaf, multan
  • Wed 31 Jul, 2019

The chicken badami korma is so delicious dish ever who mine whole family eat that very eagerly so now I can easily make it to be note the whole recipe from here

  • sobia, lahore
  • Mon 29 Jul, 2019

Make the chicken badami korma with the new taste which has the amazing method of making it with the very good way of the tasty Biryani

  • areeba, karachi
  • Wed 12 Jun, 2019

Chicken badami is nice my mom mades in yesterday so good its very tasty i like it badami korma

  • Kamran, Lahore
  • Tue 12 Feb, 2019

I primed chicken badami recipe for my kids. All of them liked it so much that they finished it no time and even they were asking for more after finishing it. It was really marvelous in the taste.

  • Lailaa, Lahore
  • Sat 26 Aug, 2017

Now there has the many delicious recipes which you need to know that to make for your family and there has every recipe has the most easy method to make that

  • chanda, pindi
  • Tue 11 Apr, 2017

When Babar conquered India and founded the Mughal Empire, Chicken Qorma or korma was prepared to be presented in the royal feast. From that day on chicken korma is the crown of Mughlai cuisine.

  • palwisha, kashmir
  • Thu 30 Mar, 2017