Muslim Names Blog & Info

Baby names blogs trend the most in this era of uniqueness. This page is all about the unique Muslim Names Blog & Info baby names that fulfill the religious guidelines as well as fit in this trend following society the best. Find the best Muslim Names Blog & Info baby names blogs 2024 here and stay updated with the best names of this year.

Nombres de Jannati Sahaba: Ashra Mubashra son aquellos compañeros del Santo Profeta Muhammad (la paz sea con él) que recibieron la buena noticia de su lugar confirmado en Jannah en sus vidas. es una razón por la que estos Sahabas son conocidos como Ashra Mubashra. A continuación puedes consultar sus nombres:

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Nuestro Profeta Mahoma (PBUH) aconsejó a su ummah que le pusieran un nombre a su recién nacido, ya que es un derecho adquirido del bebé tener un nombre con un significado bueno o decente. Porque se aclara que el nombre de una persona no es sólo la identidad en este mundo sino que también será su identidad en el Día del Juicio.

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Los nombres de bebés musulmanes son reconocidos no sólo por su singularidad sino también por su hermoso significado. Asia tiene el mayor contenido, tiene la mayor población y diversidad cultural del mundo. Tiene una historia de civilizaciones antiguas que dejaron un rico legado de sus costumbres para la época actual. Se hablan diferentes idiomas, siendo el árabe, chino, urdu, japonés, hindi, tamil y bahasa los más reconocidos. Se estima que más del 60% de los musulmanes viven en Asia. Por lo tanto, si necesita elegir un nombre asiático para su hijo, en ese momento tendría demasiadas opciones. Además, nombrar al niño puede ser una tarea considerablemente difícil si los padres pertenecen a religiones, naciones o razas distintas. Debería darle a su bebé un nombre que hable tanto de culturas como de naciones. Hamariweb tiene varios nombres asiáticos populares para niños y niñas con sus significados adecuados. La lista está abajo.

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Memilih nama yang tepat untuk bayi baru lahir adalah keputusan penting yang membawa pengaruh budaya, agama, dan kekeluargaan. Dalam tradisi Islam, nama dipilih dengan sangat hati-hati, sering kali mencerminkan sifat yang dicita-citakan seseorang untuk anaknya. Blog ini didedikasikan untuk mengungkap keindahan dan makna nama bayi laki-laki Muslim, mulai dari A hingga Z. Menjelajahi beragam makna dan asal usul nama-nama ini tidak hanya memberikan wawasan tentang budaya Islam tetapi juga menjadi sumber berharga bagi para orang tua yang mencari inspirasi. nama putra mereka.

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Ponerle nombre a un bebé es el centro de atención de todos los padres. El nombre de un individuo es una identidad para toda su vida. En el mundo del modernismo y la terminación, la denominación también ha observado un cambio de paradigma. Hoy en día, los padres son más conscientes de darles a sus bebés nombres de niña islámicos únicos y poderosos. Los musulmanes están a favor de nombres que tengan buenas intenciones y respeten a los profetas porque creen que fomentarán una buena vida y bendecirán al niño.

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Los nombres de niñas musulmanas tienen una historia rica y diversa, con influencias de diversas culturas e idiomas. Muchos nombres islámicos de niña de la A a la Z tienen sus raíces en árabe, persa, turco y urdu, pero también han sido influenciados por otros idiomas como el suajili, el malayo y el bengalí.

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Seleccionar el nombre perfecto para un recién nacido es una decisión importante que conlleva un peso cultural, religioso y familiar. En la tradición islámica, los nombres se eligen con sumo cuidado, reflejando a menudo los atributos que uno aspira para su hijo. Este blog está dedicado a desentrañar la belleza y el significado de los nombres de bebés varones musulmanes, que abarcan de la A a la Z. Explorar los diversos significados y orígenes de estos nombres no solo proporciona información sobre la cultura islámica sino que también sirve como un recurso valioso para los padres que buscan inspiración para el nombre de su hijo.

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Nama Jannati Sahaba – Ashra Mubashra adalah para sahabat Nabi Muhammad (saw) yang menerima kabar baik tentang tempat mereka yang dipastikan di Jannah dalam hidup mereka. itulah alasan mengapa para Sahabat ini dikenal sebagai Ashra Mubashra. Di bawah ini Anda dapat memeriksa nama mereka:

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Nabi kita Muhammad (SAW) menasihati umatnya untuk memberi nama pada bayi mereka yang baru lahir, itu adalah hak bayi untuk memiliki nama dengan arti yang baik atau pantas. Karena ditegaskan bahwa nama seseorang tidak hanya menjadi identitas di dunia ini, namun akan menjadi identitasnya di hari kiamat juga.

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Nama-nama bayi Islam dikenal tidak hanya karena keunikannya tetapi juga karena maknanya yang indah. Asia adalah negara dengan konten terbesar, memiliki populasi terbesar di dunia, dan memiliki keragaman budaya. Ia memiliki sejarah peradaban kuno yang meninggalkan warisan adat istiadat mereka yang kaya untuk zaman sekarang. Bahasa yang digunakan berbeda-beda, dengan bahasa Arab, Cina, Urdu, Jepang, Hindi, Tamil, dan Bahasa yang paling banyak dikenal. Diperkirakan lebih dari 60% umat Islam tinggal di Asia. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda ingin memilih nama Asia untuk anak Anda, maka Anda akan memiliki banyak pilihan. Selain itu, memberi nama pada anak bisa menjadi tugas yang sangat sulit jika orang tuanya berasal dari agama, negara, atau ras yang berbeda. Anda perlu memberi bayi Anda nama yang sesuai dengan budaya dan negara. Hamariweb memiliki beberapa nama Populer Asia untuk anak laki-laki dan perempuan dengan arti yang tepat. Daftarnya ada di bawah.

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Memberi nama pada bayi memang menjadi pusat perhatian setiap orang tua. Nama seseorang merupakan identitas sepanjang hidupnya. Dalam dunia modernisme dan penyelesaian, penamaan juga mengalami pergeseran paradigma. Saat ini para orang tua semakin sadar untuk memberikan Nama Anak Perempuan Islami yang Unik & Ampuh kepada bayinya. Umat ​​​​Islam lebih menyukai nama yang mempunyai niat baik dan menghormati para nabi karena mereka yakin akan mendorong kehidupan yang baik dan memberkati anak.

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Nama anak perempuan muslim memiliki sejarah yang kaya dan beragam, dengan pengaruh dari berbagai budaya dan bahasa. Banyak Daftar nama Islami gadis a sampai z berasal dari bahasa Arab, Persia, Turki, dan Urdu, namun juga dipengaruhi oleh bahasa lain seperti Swahili, Melayu, dan Bengali.

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Arabic last names are a vital part of the rich cultural heritage of the Arab world. With a history spanning over 1,500 years, Arabic surnames have evolved significantly, reflecting the region's diverse linguistic, cultural, and religious influences. In the United States, many individuals of Arab descent proudly carry these names, serving as a connection to their ancestral roots.

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In the vibrant tapestry of Indian subcontinental culture, names are not just labels, but a reflection of heritage, tradition, and identity. Desi girl names embody the essence of this rich legacy, with a unique blend of meaning, elegance, and cultural significance. Let's embark on a journey to explore the charm of Desi girl names and discover what makes them so captivating.

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Are you a proud parent of Desi heritage looking for the perfect name for your little boy? Do you want a name that reflects your cultural roots and traditions? Look no further! Desi boy names are a treasure trove of rich history, symbolism, and meaning.

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Selecting a unique Muslim name for a child is a profound decision, carrying linguistic beauty and deep cultural significance. In Islamic culture, names are not merely labels but encapsulate meanings that reflect heritage and values.

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Choosing a name for your child is a significant decision, often influenced by cultural, religious, and personal factors. In Islam, names carry deep meanings and are believed to shape a person’s character and destiny. This comprehensive guide delves into the rich tapestry of Islamic symbolism, providing a resource for parents seeking powerful Muslim names for their children.

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Choosing the perfect name for a newborn is a momentous task that resonates deeply with parents across the globe. For Muslim parents, the significance of a name extends beyond mere identification; it carries the weight of profound meanings and cultural heritage. Muslim names, often characterized by their eloquent meanings, hold a special place in the hearts of parents who seek names that reflect not only beauty but also spiritual depth. In this blog, we delve into the allure of Muslim names with beautiful meanings, exploring the reasons behind their popularity and showcasing ten unique names that encapsulate both elegance and significance.

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In the diverse tapestry of cultures, the significance of a name is profound, and for Muslim parents, the choice of a name for their bundle of joy is a deeply cherished tradition. Long Muslim names, with their rich meanings and historical connections, have gained popularity among parents seeking a name that not only carries a beautiful sound but also encapsulates the essence of Islamic heritage.

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There is a timeless allure to Arabic names, known for their deep cultural significance and poetic beauty. While tradition holds a special place, modern parents are increasingly drawn to a fusion of the old and the new – seeking names that carry the richness of heritage with a contemporary twist. The appeal lies not only in preserving familial and cultural ties but also in embracing a sense of uniqueness. This blog explores the enchanting world of modern twists on traditional Arabic names, each carrying a beautiful meaning that resonates with both tradition and innovation.

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Choosing a name for a newborn is a significant decision that reflects the cultural and religious identity of the parents. In Southeast Asia, Muslim names hold a special place in the hearts of parents, intertwining rich cultural heritage with deep spiritual significance. The allure of Southeast Asian Muslim names lies not only in their melodious sounds but also in the meaningful messages they convey. These names often carry a connection to history, nature, or virtues, making them a source of pride for families across the region.

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In a world marked by rapid change, many parents find solace and a sense of cultural identity in choosing traditional Muslim names for their newborns. These names, deeply rooted in history and laden with profound meanings, hold a special place in the hearts of Muslim families. The enduring appeal of traditional names lies in their timeless elegance, connecting the past with the present and instilling a sense of cultural pride.

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Choosing the perfect name for your newborn is a momentous decision that carries cultural, familial, and spiritual significance. In the world of Muslim baby names, there is a growing trend and preference for short and meaningful names. Parents find solace and charm in these concise names, reflecting simplicity, elegance, and a deep connection to Islamic values.

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In the mosaic of cultural diversity, Muslim names stand as beacons of tradition and significance. For parents navigating the labyrinth of name choices, the allure of elegant Muslim names with beautiful meanings is undeniable. These names are not just linguistic expressions; they are profound wishes and aspirations for a child's journey through life. The quest for a name with both aesthetic charm and a meaningful depth has led many parents to explore the rich tapestry of Islamic nomenclature.

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In a world that constantly evolves, the significance of names remains timeless. Muslim parents often seek a delicate balance between tradition and modernity when naming their children. The allure of classic names with deep meanings persists, but the desire for a contemporary touch is undeniable.

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Choosing a name for your child is a profound and deeply personal decision for parents across the globe. In the Muslim world, this process takes on an added layer of significance, with many parents opting for Timeless Muslim names that not only carry a rich historical and cultural heritage but also come adorned with beautiful meanings. The allure of these names lies in their ability to transcend generations, connecting the past with the present and infusing a sense of identity and purpose into the lives of those who bear them.

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Choosing the perfect name for a newborn is a cherished tradition in Muslim culture. Parents often gravitate towards classic Muslim names that not only carry a timeless elegance but also hold profound meanings. These names are more than just labels; they are reflections of values, aspirations, and cultural identity. The significance of a name is deeply ingrained in Islamic traditions, encouraging parents to select names that resonate with positive attributes.

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Selecting a name for your newborn is a deeply meaningful and cherished task. In the Islamic tradition, names hold significant importance as they often carry profound meanings and reflect cultural and religious values. If you're a parent seeking a distinctive name for your Gemini-born baby boy, this blog is tailored just for you. Gemini individuals are known for their versatile and dynamic personalities, and choosing a name that resonates with these traits can be a beautiful way to celebrate your child's uniqueness.

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In the tapestry of cultural diversity, names serve as threads that weave together the rich heritage of individuals. For Muslim families seeking names for their newborns, the connection between celestial influences and personal identity is often a source of inspiration. As we delve into the mystique of astrology, the Gemini zodiac sign emerges as a celestial force with its own unique traits and characteristics. Symbolized by the Twins, Geminis are known for their versatility, curiosity, and communicative prowess.

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In the rich tapestry of Islamic culture and tradition, the significance of names is paramount. They are not just labels but carry deep meanings and connections to various aspects of life. For parents seeking names for their little ones born under the Gemini zodiac sign, a symbol associated with duality and versatility, the task becomes a delightful exploration of meaningful options.

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As you welcome your little Sagittarius star into the world, finding the perfect name that aligns with her adventurous and free-spirited nature can be a joyous journey.

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Choosing a name for your newborn is a significant decision, and many parents seek inspiration from various sources, including astrology. If you are a parent expecting a baby born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign, known for its adventurous and optimistic nature, you might be interested in names that resonate with these characteristics.

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Choosing the perfect name for your baby is an exciting and meaningful task, and considering the astrological sign of your little one can add an extra layer of significance. If your baby is born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign (November 22 - December 21), you might be interested in names that align with the characteristics associated with this sign—adventurous, optimistic, and enthusiastic.

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The art of naming a child holds profound significance in Islamic culture, with many parents seeking names that carry positive meanings and reflect the unique characteristics associated with their child's zodiac sign.

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The world of astrology is a captivating realm that often influences various aspects of our lives, including the names we choose for our children. For parents seeking a name that aligns with the mystical and compassionate traits associated with the Pisces zodiac sign, we've curated a list of 10 unique and trending Muslim boy names.

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Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a significant decision, and many parents seek names that resonate with their cultural and spiritual values. If you're a parent expecting a little one born under the Pisces zodiac sign, known for its compassionate and imaginative nature, you might be interested in names that align with these traits.

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In the tapestry of cultural diversity, names carry a profound significance, often rooted in tradition, meaning, and celestial influence. For parents seeking a perfect name for their little Virgo princess, the alignment of stars can be a source of inspiration. Virgos, born between August 23 and September 22, are known for their analytical minds, attention to detail, and nurturing personalities. As the stars above influence our destinies, selecting a name that resonates with the Virgo zodiac sign can add a touch of celestial elegance to your daughter's identity.

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In the enchanting realm of baby names, finding the perfect fit for a newborn is a journey filled with meaning and significance. For parents welcoming a little Virgo into their lives, the choice of a name becomes an intriguing exploration of traits associated with this zodiac sign—analytical minds, attention to detail, and a grounded nature.

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The alignment of the stars can guide us in various aspects, including the choice of names for our little ones. For parents seeking inspiration for Muslim baby names that harmonize with the meticulous and analytical nature of the Virgo zodiac sign, the cosmos provides a rich source of possibilities. Virgos, born between August 23 and September 22, are known for their practicality, attention to detail, and a deep sense of duty.

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In different cultures, names are more than just labels. For Muslim parents, picking a name for their new baby involves considering their culture, religion, and even astrology. Each zodiac sign is thought to have specific traits, and the Aquarius sign is known for being unique, smart, and creative.

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Choosing a meaningful and unique name for your baby boy is a cherished tradition. For parents who seek inspiration in astrology, aligning a name with the characteristics of their child's zodiac sign can add a personal touch.

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Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a significant and joyous responsibility. Many parents believe that a name can influence a child's personality and destiny. If your little one is born under the Aquarius zodiac sign, characterized by traits such as independence, originality, and humanitarianism, selecting a name that aligns with these qualities can be a thoughtful choice.

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Muslim Boys Names
Muslim Girls Names
Name Meaning
Saad Felicity. Good Fortune. Good Luck.
Junaid A Sufi Saint, Spiritual, Young Fighter, Warrior
Danish Knowledge, Wisdom, Consciousness, Intellect
Sameer Jovial, Beneficial, Entertaining Companion, Good Friend
Maaz Brave Man, Refuge, Shelter, Companion Of Prophet
Haider Lion, Virtuous, Fortunate, Brave Man
Ammar Long-Lived, God-Fearing, Pious
Kabir Great, Aged, Senior, Venerable, Reverend, Respected
Shahzain Brave, Good Adornment & Skillful
Nihal Romantic, Joyful, Newly Planted tree, young tree
More Boys Names
Name Meaning
Arisha Throne, To Build, Highness
Saba Morning breeze, Spring breeze, Zephyr
Mehwish Moon, Beautiful, Pretty, Moon Face
Manahil fountain, spring, Spring of fresh water
Aaima Leader, Ruler, Superior
Abeer Scent, Perfume, Fragrance
Momina Believe
Noora Variant Of Nura: Light.
Arij Fragrance
More Girls Names
Muslim Boys Names
Muslim Girls Names
Name Meaning
Arham Mercy, Compassion, Kindness
Ayan Gift Of God, Reward, Blessing
Ayaan Gift Of God, Reward, Generosity
Zayan Beautiful, Hospitable, Graceful
Aryan Warrior, invasionary mind people, related to prehistoric Arya people
Anas Affection, Love, Pleasant Companionship
Rehan Scented, Fragrance, A Fragrant Plant
Huzaifa Wise, Intellectual Man, Having the ability to perceive, A Name Of Prophet’s Companion
Zain Beauty, Adornment, Graceful Boy
Azlan Lion, Brave, Courageous man
Rayan Soft touch, Fresh, paradise gate
Imran Happiness, Prosperity, Great pleasure, Exalted Nation
Ali Eminent, Noble, High In Rank
Shayan Worthy, Deserving, Meriting
Aayan God’s Gift, Manifest, Blessing
Saad Felicity. Good Fortune. Good Luck.
Hamza Lion, Competent, Brazen, Brave man
Arish Righteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
Zeeshan The Glory, Magnificent, High In Dignity
Junaid A Sufi Saint, Spiritual, Young Fighter, Warrior
Faizan Great Beneficence, Charity, Favor, Graceful Man
Sufian Fast Moving, Light, Nimble, Companion Of Prophet
Irfan Thankfulness. Knowledge. Wisdom.
Adnan Settler, One Who Settle For A Long Time In A Place, Paradise
Asif Forgiveness, Strong, Powerful, Fierce
Sahil Riverbank, Coast, Shore, Guide, Leader
Salman safe, secure, peace, Companion, Especially Of Prophet Muhammad
Rohaan As Pure Spirit, Spiritual, Kindhearted, Compassionate
Taimoor Self-Made, (made of) Steel, Strong
Rizwan Acceptance, Good Will, Name Of The Keeper Of The Gates Of Heaven
Danish Knowledge, Wisdom, Consciousness, Intellect
Umar Name Of The Second Caliph
Hamdan Praise Worthy, The Praised One, Variation Of The Name "Muhammad"
Fahad Panther, Leopard, Strong, Fast
Farhan Happiness, Laughter, Happy, Cheerful Boy
Asad Lion, Virtuous, Fortunate
Abdullah Servant Of Allah, Obedient, Name Of Prophet’s Father
Ahad One, Unique, Matchless, Another Name For God
Aaron Exalted One, Enlightened, High Mountain
Arabi Arabian
Faisal Decisive, Judge, Authority, Arbitrator
Ayaz Cool Breeze, Night Breeze, A Servant Of Sultan Mehmood
Ahmed Praise Worthy, Noble, Commendable, Name Of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Afan To Forgive, A Person Who Forgives, Modest
Kiyan Being, Existence, Essence, Surname Of Persian King
Abrar Virtuous, Pious, Great Man
Sameer Jovial, Beneficial, Entertaining Companion, Good Friend
Muslim Submitting Oneself To Allah
Hasan Beautiful, Gentle, Handsome Man, Grandson Of Prophet
Aman Safety, Protection, Peace
Umair Life, Long-Lived, Intelligent Man
Ahmad Praiseworthy, Commendable, Noble, Admirable
Shoaib Who Shows The Right Path, A Guide, Name Of Prophet
Usman Wise, Most Powerful
Talha Kind Of A Tree, Fruitful Tree From Heaven, Companion’s Name
Arsalan Lion, Brave man, Warrior In Afghan
Ahil Emperor, Ruler, Great Leader
Noman Blood, Advice Counselor, Men With Blessings Of Allah
Zaid Growth, Progress, Increment, Superabundance, Addition
Saif Sword, Sabre, symbolic Of Liberty and Strength
Kaif Pleasure, Spirit, Exhilaration, A State Of Joy
Owais Fearless, Experienced Person, Companion of Prophet
Taha Pure, Mystic, Name Of a Surah, Prophet’s Name
Bilal Moistening, The Prophet's Companion
Haris Vigilant, Watchman, Cultivator, Agnomen Of Lion
Maaz Brave Man, Refuge, Shelter, Companion Of Prophet
Sarim Brave, Courageous, Sharp Sword
Abaan Mountain’s Name, Clear, Name Of A Companion
Husnain Elegant, Handsome Boy, Combined Name Of Prophet’s Grandsons
Sohail Shining Star, Gentle, Ease
Adyan Religious, Pious, Creeds, Plural Of Deen
Uzair The Biblical Ezra Is The English Language Equivalent
Zubair Strong, firm, powerful, intelligent, wise
Arif Knowledgeable, Learned, Expert, Authority
Hussain Good, Handsome, Beautiful
Azhar Flowers, Blossoms, THE MOST SHINING LUMINOUS
Izhaan Submission, Obedience, Follower of God's Rules
Haider Lion, Virtuous, Fortunate, Brave Man
Hammad Praised, Admirable, One Who Praises
Rayyan Door Of Heaven, Beautifier, Luxuriant, Plentiful
Kashif Reveler, Explainer, Discovered
Aamir Civilized, Amply Settled, Prosperous, Full of life
Shahzaib Crown Of A King, Like A King
Azaan Call To Prayer, Power, Strength
Azan Call To Prayer, Power, Strength
Ammar Long-Lived, God-Fearing, Pious
Islam Peace, Peaceful, Very Safe
Ibrahim Intimate friend, Father Of Multitude, Prophet’s Name
Nadeem Variant Of Nadim: Companion, Confidant, Friend, Repentant. Regretful
Kabir Great, Aged, Senior, Venerable, Reverend, Respected
Arshan Strong And Brave Man, A Character In Shahnameh (Kavous' Brother)
Murshad Spiritual Guide, Preacher, Cleric, Advisor
Zahid Devout, Ascetic. One Who Renounces The World And Is Fully Devoted To Allah
Abu-Turab Clay’s Father, An Attributive Of Caliph Ali
Daniyal Intelligent Man, A Famous Intellectual, Name Of Prophet
Arshad Better Guided, Honest, Most Rightly Guided, Most Reasonable
Sarfaraz King, Respected, Blessed, Dignified, Having Honor
Hadi Guide, Leader, God’s Sanctuary Name, Mentor
Atif The kind One, Kind Hearted, Compassionate
Abir Aroma; Strong
More Boys Names
Name Meaning
Ayesha Alive, Well-Living, Happily Living
Anabia The gate of heaven, the gate of paradise
Inaya Help, care, protection
Sana Light, Radiance, To Glow,Resplendence
Fatima To Abstain, Chaste, Captivating
Ayat Holy Quran's Verses, Signs, proof
Aaira noble woman, honourable and respectful lady
Zoya Alive, Loving, Caring Girl
Aiza Nobel, Respectful
Zara High Status, Exalted, Eastern Splendour, Princess
Naira radiant, brilliant, full of light
Kiara Little black one, Dusky, Dark haired
Zainab Generosity, Munificence, Fragrant Flower
Abeeha her father, nickname of Hazrat Fatima
Haniya A Place To Rest, To Be Happy
Neha Loving, Affectionate, Rain
Maira Favorable, Admirable, light, swift, fast-moving
Mahira Expert, skilled, talented, accomplished, adept
Sara Pure, Happy, Happiness, Laughter, Joy and Delight
Ayra Vision-filling, eye-weakening, Respectable
Anam Present, Precious Gift from Allah
Maryam Virgin, Figurative, Pious, Devout, Chaste
Amyra Princess, commander, Highborn Girl
Laiba Gorgeous, Pretty, A beautiful Hoor Of Heaven
Aqsa Farthest, The mosque name Height, limit
Hoorain Beatutiful Eyes, Fabulous Friend, Women Of Paradise
Arya In Hindu meaning is : Honoured; noble
Humaira From the arabic name meaning reddish! Title name of Aisha RA one who strives to achieve her utmost best!
Afreen Beautiful, Brave, Acclaim ,Stimulation, Praise, Lucky , Encouragement
Alisha Protected by God, Noble kind; of the noble sort, Secure
Ruhi Spiritual, Of spirit, Mystic, Sacred
Aiman Righteous, blessed, lucky
Isha Life, way of life, woman, She who lives
Hafsa The Name Of The Holy Prophet's Wife
Iqra First word of the Quran, To read, To recite
Muntaha The Utmost, Highest Degree, High Status
Mahnoor Light, Radiance, Moon, Moonlight
Anita Grace, Raise, Promote, Favor
Arisha Throne, To Build, Highness
Jannat Heaven, Paradise , Something that gives you great pleasure
Muskan Smile, Happy, Laughter
Hareem Sanctuary, Sanctum, Walls of House of Kabba
Eshaal Paradise Flower, Fragrant Flower Of Heaven
Rumaisa Wind that scatters dust, hides tracks, footprints
Sadia Lucky, Fortunate, Cheerful, Blessed, Happy
Saniya Radiant, Brilliant, High, Exalted
Sidra A tree of Berry, tree in heaven, name of a Sahabiyya
Khadija The Name Of Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s First Wife Khadijah-tul-Kubra (RA)
Saira Name of a bird, Moving, Wandering, Travel
Anaya Caring, Guardian, Protector, Concern
Rida Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God. help's people
Noor Light, Gleaming, Illumines, Shining
Aliza Joyous; Happiness; Faithful; Pious; Honest
Nisha Courage, Spirit
Maria The star of the sea, kind of bird, Bitter, sea of bitterness
Saba Morning breeze, Spring breeze, Zephyr
Namar Name Of A Mountain
Tanisha Born on Monday (Hausa of Nigeria)
Fiza Wide, Open, Open Hearted, Enlarger, Improver, Who Expands, Magnifier
Umaima Little mother, Be a mother, Little Umm
Rabia Fourth, rainy, fertile, constant, stable
Kashaf Revelation, Manifestation, Divination, Miracle
Hiba Gift”, especially a gift and blessing from God
Maheen Greatest, Fine, Feeble
Sofia Wisdom, Sagacity, Intelligence, Beautiful
Alina Bright, Fair, Good-Looking, soft, pliable, delicate
Rimsha Bouquet, Beautiful, Face like moon
Saima Pious Woman Who Fasts Often, Fasting Woman, LIGHTENING
Zonaira Belt, strap, intelligent, wise, Paradise Flower
Mehwish Moon, Beautiful, Pretty, Moon Face
Bushra Happy News Glad Tiding Good Omen.
Faiza Successful One, Winner, Victorious, Triumphant
Maham Full Moon, Moon light, Wife of mughal emperor Zahir
Madiha Worthy of praise( Swahili origin )
Arfa High-Status, Best, Sublime, The Mighty
Lubna Elegance, A woman who has milky white colour, Storax Tree
Areeba Witty and Smart, wise, intelligent
Sumaiyaa Pure, Exalted, High, Chaste
Liza Devoted To Allah(SWT), Endowment To Allah, CONSECRATED TO GOD
Ayaat Verses, Messages, Signs
shazia Rare, Extraordinary, Strange, Wonderful, Aromatic.
Manahil fountain, spring, Spring of fresh water
Areesha Throne Living, Under an umbrella. built structure
Arshiya Fairy, Abode Of Allah, Lives In Skies
Tania Princess, Fairy, Angle, Royalty
Afnan Growth, Progress, Full Spreading Branches Of Trees, Growth, Fruitfulness
Sadaf Shell, Oyster, Pearl
Parveen Variant Of Parvin: Pleiades, Cluster Of Stars.
Iram A Garden In Heaven, Paradise, Landmark In The Desert
Asma Excellent, lofty, eminent, precious,Higher, more exalted, more sublime, more eminent
Minha A Blessing From Allah, Gift From Allah, Grant
Minahil Fountain, Spring, Spring Of Fresh Water
Poonam Full Moon
Ifra Significantly, Expert
Tanveer Rays Of Light(Origin Islamic)
Uzma Greatest, More Magnificent, Supreme, More Glorious
Zaira In hebrew meaning is : Eastern brightness,dawn;Princess.
Haram Gentlewoman, Aristocrat, Countess, Empress, Lady, Noble Woman
Ana Prestige, Self Respect.
More Girls Names
Muslim Boys Names
Muslim Girls Names
Name Meaning
Arham Mercy, Compassion, Kindness
Zayan Beautiful, Hospitable, Graceful
Arish Righteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
Kaif Pleasure, Spirit, Exhilaration, A State Of Joy
Faris Perspicacity, Also A Horseman Or Knight
Arsal The one who was sent
Rayhan Good Scent, Fragrance, Fragranced Herb
Salah Righteousness Of The Faith, Goodness
Shahwaiz Speak Melodious, Nobler, Renowned
Zareef Elegant. Witty.
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Name Meaning
Inaya Help, care, protection
Nuzhat Truthfullness
Ifrah Happy, Farhat Religion
Nadira Rare, Precious
Arooba A Woman In Love With Her Husband
Parishey Fairy face, beautiful, pretty, innocent
Shamsa Sunshine
Sabika A peace of Pure Gold Bar
Isbah Light
Qaria Read The Quran Koran Recitation
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Muslim Boys Names
Muslim Girls Names
Name Meaning
Ayan Gift Of God, Reward, Blessing
Zayan Beautiful, Hospitable, Graceful
Rayan Soft touch, Fresh, paradise gate
Arish Righteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
Sufian Fast Moving, Light, Nimble, Companion Of Prophet
Rohaan As Pure Spirit, Spiritual, Kindhearted, Compassionate
Hashir One Who Assemble, Collector, Prophet’s Name
Hanzalah Pond, Water, Ditch, name of companion on Prophet
Irtaza Favorite, Chosen, Pleased, Satisfied
Meerab Water Surveillant, Water Master, Paradise Flower
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Name Meaning
Anabia The gate of heaven, the gate of paradise
Inaya Help, care, protection
Zoya Alive, Loving, Caring Girl
Naira radiant, brilliant, full of light
Neha Loving, Affectionate, Rain
Muntaha The Utmost, Highest Degree, High Status
Kashaf Revelation, Manifestation, Divination, Miracle
Zonaira Belt, strap, intelligent, wise, Paradise Flower
Arfa High-Status, Best, Sublime, The Mighty
Bareera Pious, Virtual, Self-Righteous, Religious
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