The Unfrotunate Nation

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

One has nothing to offer as an alternate but to agree with the assertion that what is going on in the tribal belt, Baluchistan and NWFP are the ripened fruits of the policies of Pervez Musharaf by providing his shoulders to the modern day pharaoh, USA in the onslaught against a brother Muslim country Afghanistan.

In the presence of such a huge spending on our security, and having the status of a responsible nuclear state among the comity of nations, how can one digest the argument that all that is happenings in our country by anti- Muslims and anti- Pakistani forces just to destabilize this Muslim country and make it a Banana Republic by totally squeezing its nuclear capabilities are due to the lack of resources on our part to counter all these and wipe them out. It cannot enter our skull that in spite of all such a huge spending our intelligence institutions can be so slack to differentiate between friends and foes. When there is the question of any wanted men of the modern day pharaoh they are active enough to put at stake every thing and hand over them to be torture in Guntanamo!

But in spite of all this, to our great surprise, all this practice is going on for the last many years and now it has reached to the provincial capitals of my native province, Peshawar from which the distance to Islamabad is just a few hours drive.

When these lines are being written, some stone hearted, sanguinary natured people have butchered some 28 person, peace negotiators, in Jandola area of South Waziristan in the presence of such a vast and sophisticated intelligence machinery.

Really, our is a Banana Republic or our taxes and the price of our heads cashed from our enemy are being used for only enhancing luxuries for our masters?

On the present sad situation of the motherland the analysis of Ahmad Bilal seems very appropriate. He says in his articles titled ‘Another Lal Masjid’ (The News June 23, 2008) “Talking to people about this, I had some interesting conversations with some of the people who were involved in local politics and the internal politics of Islamabad. The way they explained it, the CIA gets money channeled into Pakistan through the ISI. Some of it goes to fund extremists, some of it goes to eliminate them, and most of it goes into shady bank accounts. The agencies get their money, the US benefits from the instability in the region to maintain a military presence here, Musharaf (now Zardari and Sharif brothers) gets to stay in power by showing his performance in the war on terror, and the bearded men in white robes think they are doing some great service to religion by dedicating their lives to militancy. So this was clearly a win-win situation for all parties, at the expense of the fabric of Pakistani society”.

If this can be taken as true then the analysis put forward by some of the Western think tanks that till 2020 a lot of changes will occur in the map of the South Asia-- and our beloved country is not present in the map of 2025.

Our hearts weep with tears of blood to hear and see all this happenings. All the judges’ issues, NROs, Abdul Qadeer, War on terror seem to us a journey towards this fatal end. What to say of brothers in faith to give some advice or come to our rescue, all the winds are blowing in the opposite directions.

Our enemies have deputed such committed people in our ranks that they even risked the very existence of this unfortunate country but could not dare say a single ‘no’ to their every demand.

We were happy at the eve of Feb. 18 that may be our fortune returns and we take our necks out from the yoke of Pharaoh’s slavery, but he has already tightened the nooses of the yoke by the threads of NRO and 58-2 B, though on their demands Pervez Musharaf shunned the uniform cum skin.

What to say of the washed men of NRO or of our self made rulers, the lawyers could not bear the pressure of the Pharaoh, and prematurely ended their much awaited Long March and left us in the lurch.

Do there exist any nation in the world where their own resources both human and logistics are being used for their own destruction? Unfortunately we Pakistani lead the comity of nations in this regard.

Abu Shahab
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