
(Abu Shahab, Karak)

In the political arena of our country a personality and a party should be appreciated for their innovative stance upon the issues facing the country nowadays- when all the people of the country are thinking in one way they will have their own stance near to the ruling junta or to those in whose hands power, pelf and property reside.

See for example the issue of the judges’ restoration; the whole nation want them to be reinstated on their portfolios of pre-3 November, PPP and Maulana Fazal Rahman are complicating the matter by presenting one hurdle or another on their every statements. A lay man can question why they are doing so?

The answer to this query is common place. Both of them have a vast and deep study of the psyche of the public which has its abode in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Where track record of a person or a party is override by hollow election’s slogans; where family ties and personal interest rein supreme and where a meal of yesterday is forgotten!

In such like situations rejecting a good offer in which power, pelf and property can be accrued in abundance is tantamount to foolishness. And this theory doesn’t need Einstein brain to be grasped.
Those who don’t believe in this theory will remain out of the luxuries of power. Neither they will satisfy their party workers nor set aside something for rainy days.

In the Feb. 18 elections, had Maulana not agreed on passing the 17th amendment, and closed his eyes over the massacre of Jamia Hafsa ,Lal Masjid and tribal areas, could he enjoy unflinching support from the rulers for smoothly running the governments of NWFP and Baluchistan? Also thanks to Qazi Hussain Ahmad who seconded this man blindly in his every move by quieting the JI workers for a greater cause and challenges Islam is facing these days!

If Maulana did not succumb to the demands of the rulers how can he conduct his most costly elections’ campaign in the history of the country? Having done this entire he once again won the elections not alone but with dozens ideological partners. Not only that, he is also enjoying the power, pelf and property in the center!

It is argued that had Qazi, compelled by internal pressure of his party workers, not boycotted the polls Akram Khan Durrani of Bannu would have been the CM of NWFP and Maulana Sahib the opposition leader in the center for the next time.

Therefore, it can be stated with surety that so far as the status quo is maintained, military remain the key player in the politics and Chudreis, Waderas, Sardars, Khans and Mullahs occupy the corridors of powers, our political players will have the stance shown by PPP and Maulana Sahib.

And this is the best choice. After all spending huge amount during the election campaign, who can afford clinging to principal and leftist’s politics. Those who want to break the status quo will either become ready to have one or two seats in the legislature or remain in exiled, away from the arena of politics.

Abu Shahab
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